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The week in social media photos: Sept. 15-21

Sep 21, 2014

I'm not playing in these games. I don't throw or kick any balls. I'm just a fan. And so when something as sports-tastic as Saturday's Cal-Arizona game transpires, I'm reminded of the improbability and chance of sport. How anything can happen. Of why I'm a fan. The week:

I'd prefer a Vine, but whatever. This is pure sport.

The big, Ute house.

This, I believe, is LeBron's debut in The Week. Can one of you tell him? Hope he enjoyed his time in Westwood.

Slap hands! Slap hands!

The captions from Instagram don’t pull through onto this platform, but I want to share with you this one: Passion creates energy. Stanford always drops great ones.

I understand things didn’t work out for Cal this weekend. Doesn’t take away from the awesomeness of this photo.

I'm not kidding when I tell you that Chip gets me every time. Love this guy.

The annual “21” highlights USC’s best and brightest in front of iconic Los Angeles scenery.

From high above Martin Stadium.

At ASU volleyball, FANS ON FANS ON FANS!

Love this throwback image of an Oregon-Washington State game.

It's an all encompassing question.