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Get To Know: Kyle Dernedde

Oct 14, 2022

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What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A professional baseball player
What sport would you be playing if you weren't playing baseball?
Football or golf
What excites you most about baseball?
Winning as a team
What's the first word that comes to mind when you think of Goss Stadium?
Do you have any pre-game rituals?
Favorite Baseball player growing up?
Albert Pujols and Derek Jeter
Favorite Beaver Baseball player growing up?
Darwin Barney and Joey Wong
Favorite Oregon State uni combo?
2006 throwbacks in 2016 or current all white
At what age did you know you wanted to play college baseball?
2006 after watching the Beavs win a championship
What's your go to ice cream flavor?
Chocolate chip cookie dough
What's your first memory of Oregon State baseball?
Back-to-back championships
Which of your teammates could be a comedian?
Treston J. Wheeler
How would you rate your ping pong skills?
What are some of your favorite things to do in your spare time?
Fly fishing, hunting, watching movies and cooking
What is something not many people know about you?
I am fluent in French
Who do you look up to the most?
My parents for all their hard work
What's the thing you love most about being a Beaver?
The tradition and family atmosphere
What's your DJ name?
DJ Dirt Nasty